An Idea For Future Claw Mains

I’ll sole purposely make a global message regarding the idea so that you’ll be outnumbered.

Shit. We’ve lost.

we lost 3 goddamned months ago.

i always wanted kill my opponent using brain damage


Not only brain damage, but also physical damage. Two birds in one stone! Would ya look at that!

make them hurt themselves on real life, this tatic is too strong to be used

Indeed it is, however having such tactic not be known by many for it’s effectiveness is quite sad dont you think? Therefore, the kind and generous person that I am, I shared this idea.

no shit sherlock, everyone gonna die thanks to you

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I consider the death of kids a win.

and to combat this
any damage received from @TheSandCrab towards claw mains is tripled
furry slayer

no fuck off, dont ping me.

sandcrab custom class

bottom text

we are doomed


With claws now in the game, I can just imagine the cat maid costumes now

Who wants to spawnkill this furry with me

Ah yes, the Ancient Fighting Style: Furry’s Fury.

How did I instantly know what nekosaikou was gonna talk about the second I found out he made this topic lmao

Holy shit my brain is expanding

People who think alike tends to get the same conclusion. I’d say we’re pretty similar, chronos-chan~

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