Anger issues

Time to take something off my chest. For a while now I have been showing hostility towards friends and family which I never in any lifetime want to do.

This has nothing to do with Arcane Odyssey this has to do with the anger issues I have suddenly developed overtime are there any ways to combat it and well make sure its easier for me to control my anger issues and not have them anymore?

I know posting this onto the AO forums of all things is peculiar but this has been on my mind for a while now ever since v1.12.

it has to do with AO trust me


buying a stress ball?

idk i have anger issue but i can control myself most of the time

the times i cant, i, well

direct those anger to myself

not very healthy, but at least no one ( but me ) gets hurt that way

kill people


I mean this isn’t my best advice but uh, take a break I guess. Try do a new hobby or something like that. Life can get very stressful and it’s okay.

Just make sure to take your time, don’t feel rushed . :nod:

And you better drink water you-

the duality of man

have you checked your sleep schedule?

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Consider going to the gym and working out
Go on a nice long run with an apple at the end (apples are amazing after a run)

Sometimes your mind needs some physical activity to figure out all the emotions that have been pent up in it. This way it’s more of a gradual release instead of outbursts of anger like you’ve experienced.

Have you tried doxxing people on Twitter?

tea is nice

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How do you respond to your anger most of the time then? do you just go batshit or sometimes ignore it completely because you know it’s not really worth your time/will contribute nothing in the end?

Just don’t be unreasonable with your anger I suppose, i can’t word it right sorry. (I often forget my vocabulary)

become a alcoholic

we dont care bro

Maybe talk about it with your friends and family? Could be a big help to get to the root of your anger issues.

I usually keep something near me to slam on just in case

who is blud


I personally don’t use it often but I got a desktop punching bag.
That could probably help
(Haven’t used because I currently don’t have the space and I share a desk.)

Do you like hurting other people?

what is it with you guys and recommending crime and assault as a way to vent one’s anger :sob:

nah someones gonna say drugs