Anybody here has a entire folder dedicated to a single anime girl

Yeah. Not just one doe

Sometimes it feels like fat fishe and geko were needed here…

i’m not even curious to find out why people would do this honestly, but i’m relieved that i’m not as deep in as i could be.

to anyone who responds to this topic with an affirmation of some kind, thank you from the bottom of my heart.



do not fallen brother, we cant lose another one

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I could say I almost have one about Yanfei & Ganyu but idk

I have a lotta cat pics


you spelt animals wrong :frcryin:
supposed to be “동물들”

onlol i have a habit of leaving incorrect things for my albums (previous names was “animala”)

Simping ain’t pimping homie

hides my folder of Ino Yamanaka information

i sure do wonder who it is

:sleeper: wat


fun fact i used to have a discord pfp of dancing star light joker :sleeper:

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what do you need?
I was brought here by the portalcasters of the AO forums party server

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woomy folder

which color??