AO hub has been released!

Why am i getting pinged 147 times.

nahh we all know that prussia is vetex

You didn’t fix the server before you went to sleep so you made it free for all.
Server is on a shit level currently.

don’t worry i can fix your server all I need is your credit card information, you house address, your social security number, your IP address, and your phone number and I should be good :yum:


No thank you :grapes:


time for me to delete 147 fucking messages :frowning_face:

Lol just ignore it
it won’t make a difference other than wastin g your time.

Does not even know how to use bots properly

imagine thinking I’d fight them in WoM

I’m coming to their houses with a shotgun

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :camera_flash:

yea clip me so everyone knows who really was behind the shootingbite of '87

baned from ao hub

you know what you did :skull:

The server was only for a test. I’m going to try to make better server in the months ahead. The server won’t be based off of AO though.

bruh you barely did anything on that server

and you sure didn’t act like it was a “test”

man, stop making excuses, just admit you made a mistake

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l know I made a mistake, but I was still trying to test stuff out since it was my first time making a discord server