AO PvP opinions

He probably IS the metal mage

POV you are playing with jewels and a metal mage comes out of no where and kills you.

Its happened to the most of us lol

It should stay the same but there should be proper incentives and features for it and random killing should be counteracted.

EXACTLY. 70% of random killers random kill because nobody else in the server wants to 1v1. We dont have to separate PVP and PVE servers, we just need to make Elysium public! There can still be private-moderator opened Elysiums so the testers get to feel special(one mod answered the question “why is elysium private” with “we love gatekeeping”, i’ll find the SS later), and us regular players get to have our fun practicing.

It just makes more sense to make Elysium public. “It’s for raid bosses and tournaments”, okay, that doesn’t mean we still can’t use it for general practicing? Are tournaments happening every day? Raid bosses don’t even exist yet!

100% they just wanna be special. if everyone has access to elysium it wont be as ‘cool’ anymore

late I know: but uh doesn’t that cause things like I don’t know:
a major reason to not even do the challenge in the first place
looking up guides
force players, to do what think the game wants them to do and not what the player wants to do?

what systems and mechanics? please name them

from what read, death doesn’t affect gameplay in any way… at all
if you die in Deepwoken it doesn’t change anything it just gives a chance to not reset your character

(aka keeping items and echos don’t count, it’s just a soft new game+ system)

leveling, pve, pvp, echoes, void zones, layer 1 & 2, passing down items, talent cards, resonances, hell mode just to name a few. Pretty much the entirety of the game and it’s progression.

Im not sure why you just excluded the part where i said “If permadeath was removed, players could just keep throwing themselves without worry at every challenge without measuring the risk and reward because most of the risk is gone.” then proceed to say it doesn’t affect gameplay. permadeath is the one of few things stopping its players from speed blitzing the game

know what sure, this forum is about AO not DW
I still really don’t see how prema death is a pillar to me it seems more like a dammed slide made around and in systems pillar of exploration

echoes, layer 1 & 2, passing down items, hell mode
they are part of the prema death system as in, they aren’t content made from combining MMORPG and permadeath they are just permadeath content on it’s own

others you named simply aren’t part of prema death stuff or meaningfully connected in the first place

but sure

Maybe not in the sense that you’re thinking of but permadeath changes the dynamic of how players approach the things i mentioned which is why im arguing that permadeath affects the gameplay greatly.

Take the pve, specifically fighting monsters. depending on your stats, the monsters in deepwoken can hit you like a truck but they have exploitable attack patterns. Now you have to learn these patterns but you don’t want to throw caution to the wind and keep throwing yourself at the monster or you’ll run the risk of wiping. You want to do it in a way that doesn’t result in your character being sent to the depths in two deaths.

Now in AO, the penalty for dying to a boss is just galleon loss. Assuming the player doesn’t care about losing their galleons, they can keep on throwing themselves at the boss till they finally beat it.

fair different games are made for different people and just let’s leave it at that
i just find deepwoken very prone to players
“Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game”

The only problem is that PvPers have an incentive to attack people who don’t want to PvP. Remove that incentive.

Make it so that the PvP leaderboard stat isn’t earned through PvE, so that people who don’t PvP would be inefficient targets for PvPers.

That is another good solution

thats like the entire point. this is called soft barrier for a reason. nothing is stopping you from killing them, its just heavily discouraged

It’s not heavily discouraged if there’s no actual downside

That wouldn’t work because pvp doesn’t generate any of the leaderboard stats, it only transfers it with a tax

thats probably right but idc because it inconveniences me :+1:

Being laggy makes PVP really inacessible… Its the last and most expensive and possibly tedious part of your build.

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