AO rage bait #17546932

He is stating that vetex should delete AO just because of hit boxes and does not know that hitboxes like in the name are actual boxes not full on models.
What do i know? I am just a guy defending a game.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


Dang, I gotta add this to the Epic Forums quote with this one.

If I had a nickel for every time someone got angered over minor issues in a game

This really is the most obvious bait ever. No real person would propose you delete a game over something that can just be changed.

Mark Twain moment. Few have ever given advice from 200 years ago so applicable today.

local forumer falls for the most obvious bait known to man

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I won’t really call it a “not problem”. do I think it’s an over reaction? 100% ,but he is not wrong in the fact the game has some funky moments/desinc or whatever that was makes the game worse.

So try and look pass what he is saying to what he is trying to say being: “The game isn’t doing what I want to do; not because of my skill but because of outside factors like lag, desinc, and input delay.”

I think it would be a waste to just toss what is clearly a really good example/evidence. ruined by very poor communication about a problem that exists.

the fishing experience