AO Release Date Leaked

I got rick rolled?


Don’t worry, I have some hot chocolate to cheer you up.


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damn it

Vetex said in some text channel in discord that the estimated release date is Feb 30th and it got leaked.

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oh lol

You lied to me

Sooo I’d say about 6 months from now because…

wheres the meme flair?


Mission accomplished


This might actually be the best rickroll I’ve seen in a while.
Not as good as that Where’s Waldo one, that will never be beat, but this one’s pretty good as it’s just the lyrics.

This is honestly the worst rick roll I have ever witnessed.

Not only does it use an overused bait as a base, the rick roll itself is nothing original and is just the lyrics. A video of the entire song compressed into a single second would’ve been much better.


4 months is a better estimation, he said February at the least and late March at the most

You have to scroll down to comment and endure the pain and misery

What’s your source? I need to see this

how dare you copy my category

Sorry for the minor bump but Vetex said in the quoted post that you replied to that it would take about 6 months.

looks like that leak was more accurate than expected…

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my version better u know