Ap.Bringer and Calvus, please explain to me

Okay, we know the buff that Clavus gets during his second phase. Full on Aether aura. But like…He mentions his “Grandfather’s power” and it should be Apocalypses bringer, right? So uh…How does it work?




We don’t know exactly how curse inheritance works, but presumably it’s what Calvus says (a tiny fraction of the curse), that’s passed down to future generations.

Also, whenever he does the nuke attack, you can easily spot a large black and blue shockwave come out of it, signifying whatever the curse he inherited is.

As for why he turns into the Aether demon, I don’t really know. My guesses are that he’s just going all out and as such activated a aura along with the curse fragment, or maybe he’s using the curse fragment to amplify his own magic in some way?

I’m ngl, he probably just used a Transformation spell. If you haven’t heard of it, it was part of the old planned Lost Spells card on the Trello, before Vetex removed it to keep them secret once again as he added more to his private list.
The gist is that it offers a notably higher output of a buff than a Mode spell does, but consumes far more magic energy. Unless this is being changed now, it does seem like Calvus used a Speed transformation (attack speed + agility iirc), due to how fast he and his attacks become when he enters phase 2.

It’s been confirmed by Vetex and in-game via Neviro’s journal that the grandchild of a curse user inherits some of the curse’s power;

The curse power Calvus inherited is most likely the black/teal power that we see him use in tandem with some variation of an aether Mode/Aura spell, however what exact power Nero Caesar possessed remains unconfirmed. Ever since release there have been rumours of it being the apocalypse bringer curse, but without any official confirmation this can only remain as speculation.

I thought curse users couldn’t have children
image (2018 image so maybe it’s not canon)
And because they’re literally magic energy, I don’t think I can breed with magic

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Well he just retconned that or just forgot saying that, gotta trust the most recent thing vetex says

honest reaction


Ngl Calvus back on release was such a cool boss fight now he’s lame :sob:

Are you sure about that?

I’m really sure about it

Just going Super Aether 2

Clearly there are more determined individuals in the AO universe than you.
On that note, they also seem determined enough to create various Vastus variants.

What’s the context of your sentence

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