Ap.Bringer and Chaos [Theory]

What is “Chaos” and what is “Apocalypses Bringer”


By now I think we are all aware that the Arcane-Universe is heavily based on the Greek one. Prometheus giving humans fire (magic), Pantheon, Mt.Olympus etc. And some of you might have heard about such thing as “Chaos”…

Chaos or “Space” / “Gap” in Greek mythology is the first entity that existed at any point of time, its personification of void and infinity and it was the one who gave birth to all other gods and titans. So called, “The First Primordial Goddess of Greek Mythology”.

Outside of just giving birth to divine beings, chaos doesn’t play big role in Greek Mythology, but in Arcane-Universe Chaos is not even an entity, but a force of pure evil energy which is an origin of magic.

Funny enough, if we think about it for some time, we can somewhat say that being evil makes you have more potential as a mage, as Chaos is attracted to evil thoughts and negative things. We could have seen this in lore, where after Durza’s defeat in AA, Chaos was attracted to the earth and ravaged many of the remaining seas. Some islands had also gone completely missing, while others were left in ruin. People in War Seas called in “Wrath of the Gods” (the reason why Akurisus Keep was wiped)


Apocalypse Bringer is ancient magic that is described as “Extremely unstable and explosive.”. This magic was in the list of Primordial magics (currently known as Ancient magics) since WOM, and I personally thought of it as an ancient version of explosion. But with AO coming out, and everyone reaching Calvus, people started thinking more about Ap.Bringer, as Calvus’ grandad - Nero Caesar is said to have been welding a powerful curse with which he wiped whole Winterville.

Most people, including myself, thought that it was a Death curse, due to Calvus’ suspicious need for it. But recently Vetex himself debunked it, saying that both Death and Ap.Bringer curse just happened to share similar colors, with death being black main color and teal aura, and ap.bringer teal main color with black aura.

So what if Ap.Bringer is connected to Chaos?

So as Vetex said, “Apoc is teal with a black aura”, and how Chaos is described? Well, let’s look at Akursius Keep journal.

Teal light you say? Huh.

An argument can be made that its “Wisp-like energy” but colors somewhat match, don’t you think?

  • Teal light? Check!
  • Black as secondary color (aura)? Check!

On gif we can see Teal flames and dark background, presumably their aura. So…If energy’s main color is teal, and its aura is black, AND we can suggest that energy may take a form of not just flames, but a beam / force, then the idea of Apoc having some kind of connection to Chaos makes sense?

And besides. Let’s literally analyze the name.

Apocalypse Bringer, so it brings apocalypse? Synonyms for “apocalypse” are Annihilation ; Cataclysm ; Catastrophe…

Nero ANIHILATED Winterville.

Chaos ANIHILATED Akursius Keep

Chaos brought CATACLYSM, which War Sea people know as Wrath of Gods.


Ooh, someone else is thinking it too!

The thought also occurred to me when I was discussing with someone about Chaos’ effects and realised that Chaos and AP might actually be connected, and AP might actually be the Elemental Magic form of Chaos itself. I mean, we got Death as an element, why not Chaos too? And it answers some oddities why Apocalypse is even a magic even if its name sounds like some custom magic from AA or something lol

Remind me to read this later, looks like it’ll be a rabbit hole to dive down

It is also interesting that the magic that is second closest to chaos is death
Apocalypse and death seem to attract Chaos so it makes sense that the magic would look similar

Now I really want apocalypse bringer magic be obtainable

Akursius Keep wasn’t destroyed during the Wrath of Gods, since the Wrath of Gods is happening during the early game, and Akursius Keep was destroyed almost 50 years before the game begins.

I think there’s good evidence for Nero’s Curse being Apocalypse Bringer, and it’s long been theorized (since the start of the game basically) that Apocalypse Bringer attracts Chaos to the world.

It fits more than the Death Curse does. Specifically, because of the mention of Chaos and teal light in Rackham’s journal. It also leaves aftereffects that severe magic pollution also seems to do, such as ghosts, and insanity to any who enter.

This is the one thing I disagree with. I doubt Chaos can be harnessed by a curse. Chaos is the most destructive and powerful force in existence. I doubt Prometheus would be able to make a curse that literally harnesses the power of Chaos.

I believe it’s an external curse, that merely summons Chaos, since using Chaos directly (and changing your body into Chaos) would destroy anybody who would be foolish enough to use it.

Wrath of the Gods happened a few months before the game began but everything else seems correct

When I said Chaos, not the literal Chaos, more like the element “Chaos”. Similar as the Death Curse just being “Death” as an elemental magic but not being literal “Death” kind of Death which should instakill people since its literally death, you know what Im saying? Its not literally Chaos, just an elemental version of “chaos” in a sense. Some magics are just dumbed down versions of the element, and wont always be literal representations (Death cant instakill you, Life can’t create living things, etc.)

If AP is “Chaos as an element”, then we can say it would be explosive and destructive in a similar way that Chaos is and mimic certain properties, but it won’t literally be Chaos itself.

Also, it even explains why it’s even A MAGIC in the first place, not just the Curse. It was still on the Ancient Magics list before it was taken down, and the name literally sounds like some custom magic stuff or the old crazy magics that used to be on that list like Genesis Zero stuff. Yet, its still reasonable enough even after WoM was gonna get revamped.

So its “confirmed” chaos visuals, huh?

Let him cook

so if being evil makes you a stronger mage then does that mean us hero rep mages are inherently weaker?

aw well, at least wardens are probably meant to be good rep builds.

Actually, after some thinking, being an evil mage probably just means that more doors are open for you

like you can use death magic or unstable things and not care for morals.

then again, there’s probably a cost to this, unstable has heavy emphasis.

and being a good mage isn’t inherently a weakness either

I think I’ll stay away from the forbidden stuff, thanks.

Sand WILL survive the odyssey.

(with the help of lightning and possibly explosion)

anyways even if you have forbidden junk and whatnot, all that really matters is skill.

and if you’re an evil mage who can’t aim for SHIT up against a pro gamer god hero mage with 10k+ player kills… gg.

I don’t know if this has been brought up before, but I remember doing story at sailors lodge and there was like a wizard NPC there,

Basically, he talked about how he was looking for lost magic shit, and he mentioned smt about a “dark side”

(can someone find this npc and fact check)

I dont know if he meant it like a comparison or if there’s actually like a good and dark side to magic, like Star Wars or something

But it is something worth thinking about



Good theory but the Wrath of Gods is probably just the Durza boom and isn’t linked to Akursius keep.
The lore doc states that AO takes place 1 month after AA, but Neviro has been hiding for years. So Akursius Keep’s destruction IS related to Chaos, but isn’t the Wrath of Gods.

(Also I love the fact that my topic about the Death Curse “allowed” people to confirm some other theories)

This was also confirmed on trello btw.


Akurisus was once a Winterville outpost. Nero Caesar nuked it, then Ravenna built on it. Due to Nero’s power, there was a lot of magic pollution in there, and Chaos got naturaly attracted to it, nuking it again.

Didn’t Akursius use to be Winterveil, and then Akursius Keep was built on top of it by Ravenna after the extermination?