Ap.Bringer and Chaos [Theory]

This is exactly what happened

Chaos is attract by evil acts/thoughts, so I think it’s because of the genocide if it destroyed Akursius.
Also, I think there’s an NPC (in the eternal mines?) stating that Akursius was the main island of Winterveil, but Nero’s attack almost destroyed it completely

Chaos, and varying amounts of it are spread all throughout the universe. This energy is somewhat sentient, can be manifested through evil thoughts, and is heavily attracted to pure evil beings. The power and reach of Chaos is ever expanding, much like dark matter in our own universe. Chaos cannot be directly controlled. (I copied this from the lore document since my freaking screenshot app isn’t working)

that is a good way to describe vetex’s custom magic ngl

Vetex’s Custom Magic Discussion

Vetex is physical vessel for chaos confirmed

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Let the new tides come.
And let the winds of change form from the chaos.

It’s time for truly an Arcane Odyssey.

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