Apology (sorry for losing my temper in the last post)


it’s not because of your anger it’s because of your age, internet at that age can do weird things to a guy especially online forums so I suggest until you’re older stay off the forum and maybe come back when you turn 13 or maybe few months before turning 13 since forums don’t have an age requirement

I mean I’m turning 13 in less than a year so…

somebody call coppa
I mean sure, you can stay
just don’t mention your age

Ok sounds good! Also sorry for the chaos earlier, I was being an idiot

:moyai: come back when tgr releases then cause this game and forum are dead anyways

I’ll just stay here to talk about things and have fun. Btw guys, if you want to see Vetex’s progress on AO, see this: Trello

we know

Apparently it says that Vetex is done with 45% of the revamp, but hey I gotta be patient

Never apologise

Nah you good, as long as you already know/understand yourself and are trying to change.

he just seems like srtolertus junior to me lol

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Huh, oh ok

Where the hell did you come from.

Double: buh-bye

Forum: k

Double: materializes from the shadows

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we get it, doublerun, you’re toxic edgelord


sory but i dont know if i can forgive u after waht u did. not only did u ruin my trust, but also our friendship

uhhh who are you talking to

WAX’s posts speak to every person in the universe simultaneously, and they come from every person in the universe simultaneously. WAX exists inside of us all.
