Arcane Academy Part 2 – Comic

Edit: Fixed names. Let me know if I missed any. :+1:

tobi I’m disappointed in you

you didn’t give tech and vetex their correct magics

that’s a lot of missing Oliva Morises and Daniel Waters

Yeah XD.

Imagine a missing devo poster :eyes:

Undead devo of Dulzura High

Of course a school tournament with a shady school. What could possibly go wrong :smiley: . Nice comic again tobi

When you were putting in Trollus’ dialogue you misspelled Arcane. (Unless that was intentional) But the comic is going good so far i’m intrigued Imagine Ace being in there

image why is this so funny to me

also i had better fucking obliterate everyone there at the magic tournament btw writers winning gg ez skill issue

I just noticed that mose of the Catalysts are VIII

Thank you. And yes what could go wrong… :moyai:

Yeah that is a mistake. I’ll fix it when I get to my PC. Thanks for the notice. :+1:

:sunglasses: lol bet. GG EZ.

I need all the tea


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Ho ho. :hot_face:

Viz Media is playing close attention to your comics

If only. XD

I’m in here???!!! That surprise made me happy to read lol. I absolutely love the masks and especially JTN’s anime eyes one


alr ty bro time to kill all of you