Arcane Arena Development Log

Gambling is an encouraged game mechanic to keep players interested in the game.


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put this out just so i can see what people r thinking but im gonna remove it anyways cuz air combat just wouldnt work well with arcane arena (people r gonna find ways to airstall anyways this just makes it easier which is bad)

I find it insane that people who played AO don’t understand airstalling is not a fun game mechanic

just make it so that if you use an ability you don’t stay in the same place and are affected by gravity knockback etc

Elemental Battleground sort of remake?
I’m in

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touching up the rest of the map design, then ill FINALLY work on the actual game mechanics :face_holding_back_tears:

Those particles are pretty.

We all know that mechanics comes first before the map :sob:

@Maple can I design the icons etc

holey moley (dont tell vetex i stole his rock texture :mariomug:)

uhhh maybe idk

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woah whats this?/

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A gateway to the nether???

side to side…


I do it for free as long as you give me credit

my brother upgraded it :cold_face:

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heres the concept version, lmk if we cooked

The upgraded nether portal

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do you have prior experience from somewhere because there is no way you do this well for a first game

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glass moves when

not really lol theyre just a bunch of particles which im decent at and still learning to do
i learn from other peoples creations and i try replicating them myself, but in the coding aspect of game development ive yet to get somewhere :sob: