Arcane maids about hit the leaderboard

why, we just a funny guild with fun people :smiley:

horny is bad
we must stop it

Im in arcane maids and im not even a maid lol

its a spy main
yeah go backstab them good job

im not a spy, I just like the people in the guild

i see
you are trying to keep your facade
yeah your a good spy main

your mind goes numb from the sheer amount of maidsā€¦

You are overwhelmed by the pain of even seeing these maidsā€¦

Disgusting voices of trying to be cute maids linger around youā€¦

Impending doom approachesā€¦


fuck this
im getting stol to rip these bitches apart

i love you bro but iā€™m just sayin

I know the owner and Iā€™m pretty sure he singlehandedly grinds most of the infamyā€¦

for the first time in my life, Im gonna cheer for SunCry.

Cmon, we gotta suppress the maids before they get too powerful

A maid guild ? how interesting xd

Now that can be understood in a few different ways

( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

Wdym the slaves under my basement is doing a lot of god stuffs for me


And drink tea while sitting on your dead body

Arachnid is still there?

suncry is ten leagues too far ahead to care about some maids smh
