Arcane Maids average :D

Okay, Misinput, I’mma be real here.
I don’t have much of an issue with maids outside of how fuckin’ overrated they are, and how they’re everywhere. They’re not my cup of tea, they’re getting annoying as shit, and everybody’s fucking horny for them.
I’m not here to judge you or anyone else for your kinks for frilly black and white dresses and women under servitude for you, I’m just annoyed.

:point_right: :door: :walking_man:


not if I have anything to about it :sunglasses:

Haha. I see your point.
But we just be funny WoM guild. We in no way want to be :postal_horn: :woman_kneeling: maid guild. We just gain lot of infamy while having fun.

okay then. if you say so.

Jordan Lamina is not my guild file, so I probably had to go.

nice, especially when you tried to rk me

Ok and… Who are you?

Well, they’re allied with us now. Or at least whitelisted.

Then why did u click on this?

Oh really, nice
the discord thing that I said in chat was before I knew this


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Given. Y’all legit be using emu warfare on everyone with more than 20 player kills.

emu warfare?

austrailia’s most epic war

im australian so i hate emus.

ive eaten kangaroo before
from what i remember it tasted like beef
next i shall eat an emu (because two of my uncles live in australia lol

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sam explains it better than I do