Arcane Odyssey Celebrity System

Arcane Odyssey Celebrity System
effort 1.272727272727273 11 quality 1.5 10 reasonability 1.214285714285714 14

maybe suggest that instead of making the game shit for heroes

Im not saying navys should stop hunting villains. Just thought heroes should be hunted aswell. To me it’s a balance. You guys have your opinions I have mine :slight_smile: ( again not saying a shit ton of npcs going after you )

Game isn’t shit for heroes. Heroes have it easy compared to villains???

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i literally just said it should be nerfed and not removed

That is the whole POINT mf. You go villain, you get more good shit easier but in return you get shat on. It isn’t “having it easy”, its just common sense and an intended game mechanic. Once again, villain cope

That’s why this is a suggestion. A celebrity system for heroes. Also what about if players get a benefit for the amount of stars they get. That’d be cool imo

For example. High celebrity stars heroes get to buy things cheaper.

High notierotiy system can use the dyer’s if they’re low level or what not.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind this getting added once the system is a lot more tolerable

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Yeah. People are accusing me that I want the navy hunting system gone. I’m bad at the game, I’m only coping, I want heroes to feel pain like Villains because I’m bad etc.

You’re right about “Replayability” and I’m not saying to punish Heroes. One thing I also would like to add is that there should be benefits instead of cons when having high stars. For example, 5* Notoriety players can steal from merchants, or dye from them for free for said requirements etc. For heroes it would be on discounts, maybe?

TL,DR:Interesting ideas, stupid execution.

Because assasins are not the law-enforcers. They need to work from the shadows, or GN will go after THEM. A better idea would be prepared ambushes or something, not just copypasted notoriety.

The game was rigged from the start, there is no point in trying to make it even. There are already VERY significant differences for criminals and heroes, like shop avaliability and freedom of action. “Evening it out” is a solution that is straight up stupid.

This is an interesting concept, but needs balancing to not just make negative rep have every commodity for free. Would also make whitesummit irrelevant.

In conclusion, the idea of criminals getting some of the better parts of being, well, a criminal and heroes being hunted down by assasins is interesting, but your specific description makes it sounds like a copied notoriety but for positive renown and straight up catering towards negative rep. If there will be a better organised and more thought through suggestion like this, it could be a very cool addition into the game.


Okay so I get what you’re going for, and I understand it. But it is not the solution. ATM playing a Villain is annoying because of notoriety (And annoying heroes hunting you down while you’re just trying to play the game and clear level caps). Copying that problem onto Heroes is not the solution.

As for Assassin’s needing to be more active, perhaps. This ain’t the fix for that though.

bro xyiber is fighting a war rn :skull_and_crossbones:


You know instead of Notoriety being a full on buster call on a singular person maybe make it so the Villain can either have a head start to run away from them or take them head on for easy loot while trying to kill a level 250 navy major.

What I’m saying is The Villain needs more prompts that the navy is going to their general direction with hints and cues so they can at least be notified to run away or to not PvP any players because navy will assist them or risk it all and do it anyway.

This makes the Villain route gaining more loot while having more enemies a more tolerable system. Berate me if you think my idea is bad lol.


Imo it would work better to just rework the negative system than just slide over the annoying system to the positive side as well

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No. Just no.

This suggestion is ass in so many ways.

  • It doesn’t fix the problem. You’re just giving the same problem to 90% of the playerbase (in my experience most players are good reps). The navy dogs still make whitesummit my prison every time I join, regardless if this suggestion exists or not.
  • It’s incredibly lazy. It’s literally just the notoriety system but for good reps. You aren’t getting anything more than 1 star in effort.
  • It makes playing bad rep and good rep very similar. If you choose a different path in the game you want it to play differently. Imagine if all of the stat builds felt extremely similar to play and fight against. That would be horrible! Yeah they look different but they feel the same. This suggestion is incredibly boring if it wasn’t annoying (which is likely since its a cnp of notoriety which is annoying).
  • It doesn’t make sense lore-wise and well common sense-wise. The assassins are supposed to be secretive, they aren’t supposed to have 5 heavy kethces ram an island all at once. Also you don’t hunt celebrities because they are well known by everyone, especially the law.
  • This suggestion would cause many players to quit or become incredibly annoyed. The large majority of players are good rep (probably because they don’t care about the system and you naturally become good rep), by annoying all of them you are removing players which is bad.

I am of the opinion that nobody should be mindlessly dogpiled even if their opinion is (admittedly) really bad. So therefore I have created a bunch of thoughtful reasons as you why your suggestion is bad, instead of saying mindlessly insulting you or giving no reasons as to why I dislike your suggestion. But you probably shouldn’t cook again. If I had to guess you come from a Roblox community that encourages not fixing issues and responding to all suggestions or QOL or accessibility issues with “just deal with it”.


I think what would make whitesummit relevant would be that heroes can claim the island just like how Villains can claim the silverhold

…that is a decent idea, if you are going to remake this suggestion, you should expand on it

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Notoriety needs to get nerfed to disappear after a while

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I’m not saying the same amount of navy’s that hunt villains like assassin syndicates hunting heroes. The general npcs hunting should be nerfed by alot

I already know that. We all know the Notoriety system is bad. Thats why I said on my post if you read clearly that it needs to get nerfed