Arcane Odyssey Character Last Name Suggestions

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I assume that every island will have a matching last name, probably with a prefix or suffix to differentiate it.

i using too smart word…

Anyways, I hope to see the following 5:

how does one forget an important side character but somehow remember the radio guy

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Egg man teehee


@Noober, maybe make your post the official list and add some of the names suggested here. Makes it easier to organize and sort through.

all i require is the name ‘silver’ which is likely to stay anyway but i must mention it in case

i cannot come up with any further last names because i am too uncreative shown by how i never came up with any in the first place

i dont know if i can make it official though, seeing that theres multiple topics about ppl’s last name suggestion. the most i would do is making a second A - Z but labeled (player suggested)

we stand by jojo

Cultures are being canceled in this Update

Red | Heren | Garen | Xhu | Neo | Klein
Blue | Peters | Treat | Mii | Ark | Neumann
Green | Daggers | Daren | Xu | Major | Meier
Blue | Elk | Heralds | Shisa | List | Moses
Brown | Cline | Sunny | Downs | Valk | Huber
Black | Lending | Glampers | Leasiro | Splinter | Lang
Dark | Eaves | Moon | Cante | Rins | Hahn
Light | Raven | Mals | Pail | Ram | Keller
Large | Vent | Po | Edge | Mambo | Rock
Brinks | Quartz | Shou | Ends | Dunn | Vogel
Banks | Ridge | Tarven | Mould | Cherry | Agapov
Berg | Runner | Venni | Frame | Blossoms | Haas
Alligator | Pixies | Ford | Clicks | Alpha | Busch
Wolf | Jenners | Sai | Koua | Beta | Bergmann
Hawk | Blanks | Blades | Lionheardt | Bravo | Paige
Summers | Autumn | Hammer | Coy | Delta | Dos
Fetters | Pin | Raids | Lanier | Ome | Nowik
Pann | Nevs | Clusters | Granes | Oma | Piet
Cat | Doe | Anhk | Fedges | Furr | Yilmaz
Creak | Dove | Deffers | Dane | Seamore | Thourn
Seas | Baren | Patch | Elv | Abe | Ganner
Jills | Pester | Baker | Torques | Jay | Duden
Jester | Vigtn | Little | Qua | Nico | Ernst
Tenn | Terra | Chalk | Shall | Frenando | Donalds
Blaze | Winter | Grain | Marne | Schmidt | Reigner
Frost | Verren | Olse | Splint | Fischer | Gottschalld
Tallies | Io | Wraps | Tan | Meyer | Bahlow
Pills | Kart | Zedge | Opai | Wagner | Day

Kinda just started spitting out things :woman_shrugging:

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Bones as a last name


Larry Bones

Bonnie Bones

God, I keep editing that one comment, and I think I added a lil’ too much :fr:

These are all really good

crown, phoenix, williams

ones from my suggestion too just so they’re in more places :nod:

  • Burns
  • Steele (last e is optional but looks cooler imo)
  • White/Black/Brown (funny color names like grey)
  • Farris
  • Wicket
  • Hunter
  • Wild(e)
  • Ward(e)
  • Row(e)
  • Wood(s)
  • Tower
  • Hightower
  • Crooks
  • Rider
  • Baron/Barron, either spelling
  • King
  • Jack
  • Mariner
  • Swift
  • Various common surnames from real life (Smith, Jones, Robinson, etc.)

Greek last names