Arcane Universe's Top 10

stupid reason to die bro
also undead zeus is weaker than regular zeus

He looks like he’s named “Junior”. Not like “John Jr.” just his name is Junior.

Hey guys!

Your debate is meaningless.

Vetex has already stated that outside of chaos/creation, Cursebeard is the strongest character in HISTORY.

Id know as im the one who asked.

Nobody is or ever will be stronger than prime cursebeard.

He’s just confirmed strongest human, although I don’t doubt that he probably is given he was stronger than Poseidon who post-fracture was equal to or stronger than living Zeus. I don’t think it’s canonically stated anywhere that Cursebeard is above everything below Chaos and Creation.

So he was the strongest in history before his death.

pushup woman solos the arcane universe

no, MOROCK was stronger, which is why he was erased from the AO continuity :yawning_face:

Was not is gg bro doesn’t exist anymore

he does, just not in the AO timeline :yawning_face:

and the AO timeline has arguably the worst lore out of all AU continuities so… that doesnt mean much

what was the reason cursebeard died again?

He got very sad

Idk if even vetex really thought that through

“Cursebeard is the strongest even though he lost to the gods who lost to prometheus who lost to curseless cursebeard”

He just aged
Like, really aged
Like, really, seriously, severly aged

curse users dont age

Well uhhh Arthur did because he was like super mega extra old and he also got aging experimental curse from Chronos
Source: trust me bro

Prometheus did not lose to curseless Cursebeard in current canon, we don’t know if it was a team effort to beat him or not as of right now.

Was really sad about having to put down his best friend for the last like almost 2 thousand years and ended up getting kinda injured in that fight cause he wasn’t really giving it is all due to said sadness. Then he got sneak attacked by undead Zeus. It’s not unbelievable, but it is a little lame.

Coulda just taken a sip of seawater if he was so sad