Arcane Universe's Top 10

yeah cuz everywhere else im the hound of the gods

Wait what god is Morock the hound of

prometheus probably

if i see any list with nero in it iā€™m deleting one of my arcane oddysey slots

  1. Nero
  2. Nero
  3. Nero
  4. Theos
  5. Nero
  6. Nero
  7. Nero
  8. Acheron
  9. Nero
  10. Kessler or smth

I canā€™t believe put Acheron above Nero

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Revon is nero spelt backwards, coincidence?


At least Nero didnā€™t die to the law enforcement :man_facepalming:

yeah he got captured like a lil bitch :rofl:

After the entire war seas ganked him

you mean he seized control of the weakest sea, then got checked by low lvl gravy crooks?

And what did Morock control besides his level 1 crooks that died instantly?

morock defeated several admirals, (all stated to be durza-tier, check the lore doc) and then was defeated because of ignorance, not weakness lmao :skull:

Yeah well Acheron is a fraud anyways man couldnā€™t think for himself

so is nero :skull:

his biggest feat isā€¦ genociding lvl 1 civilliansā€¦ wow how impressive :astonished:

What are Morockā€™s feats besides being too fat for his ship to handle and exploding like a wet firecracker

Defeating Several Admirals, which I have told you are Durza-Level, which also means he at the minimum was Cursebeard Level, since this Durza at most had a difference of only the Sand Curse between when this is said in the Document, and when Cursebeard is killed.

He also is confirmed to have used the strongest curse ever made, which was outright stated by Vetex to literally hold Prometheusā€™ Godly Powers, which is why it was retconned.

Morock Violates, neg diff


That curse doesnā€™t exist anymore so according to current lore Morock is a fraud. Furthermore it says durza was forced to retreat through sheer numbers meaning none of the admirals were individually as powerful as durza

Morock in AO did all this with the AETHEREAL CURSE.

The WEAKEST of the GFCs. Which means he violates Cursebeard, at a level weaker than fucking warren :rofl:

Even Bum Aethereal Morock violates Nero, neg diff