I’m pretty sure it was straight up on the lore doc that Theos was a puppet it was like 2017 doc
1 - Arthur
2 - Poseidon == Kingslayer(???)
3 - Freedrock
King Arthur Pendragon, The Cursebeard (when alive)
Wields four different Sea Curses; cannot run out of energy; can control the sea (95% of the world); controls an ancient magic; can freeze anything, leads an entire kingdom; and has for hundreds of years. -
Freedrock, Wise Warrior, Hero of Roland
Wields most combat-effective experimental curse ever; has two different methods of being unable to die; formerly wields a legendary weapon; wields a lost fighting style; grows in strength every time he dies (goes well with being loopkilled by the Kingslayer). -
Torren Corvus Cross, The Kingslayer, The Mistwalker, The Last Cross
Former ruler of a kingdom; wielder of an unknown sea curse; idk his strength probably carries over; he beat Freedrock at least once. -
The Peacekeeper, The Rising Phoenix
Trained by both Theos and Freedrock, who are also on this list; wields two mastered mutated magics; liberated the world of Acheron; noncanonically founded a government. -
Morock Creed, Hound of God (when alive) (benefit of the doubt with retcons)
yeah, you know him. -
Zeus (when alive)
Is literally THAT GUY; wields the extended power of lightning; is a god. -
Warren, Protector of Azura
Protects an absolute superpower of a kingdom; has a grand fire curse; is probably ancient; probably fought Arthur and lived. -
Wotan, The Conquerer
Is Vetex’s favorite. -
Theos, The War Phoenix (disregarding age)
Wields two mastered mutated magics; can fly; trained The Peacekeeper; protected a land for decades just because he liked it. -
Is also literally THAT GUY; basically owns the ocean; is a god. -
Acheron, why do you have so many titles and none of them are good?
Yeah he uhh
he did that; has like, at least four Sea Curses.
That’s technically 11, but how could I leave Acheron out?
but he lost
You SHOULD leave him out, please. I don’t want that BUM anywhere near my lists again, kick him out, shame him, ostracize him from the top tiers. He deserves NOTHING in my holy loredom.
ok but if we’re going by this logic
Arthur beat Prometheus
So Arthur is top 1
But then Zeus beat Arthur
So Actually, Zeus should be top 1.
he didnt though
No gods or primordials since they’re either too easy to place (primordials) or too much of a hassle to work with (gods)
1: Arthur “The Cursebeard” Pendragon
2: Freedrock “The Undying”
3: King Cross “Kingslayer”
4: Warren “Protector of Azura”
5: Morock “The Hound of God” Creed
6: Wotan “The Conqueror”
7: Theos “The War Phoenix”
8: Merlin “The First Mage”
9: The Peacekeeper
10: Valencia “Grand Admiral”
I’d say King Calvus is above AO protagonist, even if AO protag won.
ah yes
cursebeard AND his army AND poseidon AND other strong allies ganged up on prometheus and that means cursebeard solos!!!
Poseidon was also fighting off a whole undead army???
Same logic applies to Undead Zeus
Undead Zeus beat a weakened and tired Poseidon who likely just fought through a horde of undead zombies and is literally mentally exhausted, therefore, Zeus is stronger than Poseidon!!!
he still lost the 1v1 tho
I’m not seeing any complaints, is this list actually undisputed for now?
It only says that Arthur and his forces killed most of the remaining gods, who’s to say that Arthur didn’t 1v1 Prometheus himself and then kill him? Who’s to say that Prometheus didn’t get bitchslapped into oblivion by Arthur in a 1v1 fight? It wasn’t Arthur and gang 10v1ing Prometheus, nowhere does it say that. It was a war with multiple gods.
I have a few issues but it’s fine.
cuz vetex or tech said so i dont remember which
It doesn’t even say Zeus 1v1ed Poseidon it just says they faced eachother and it was a hard fought battle
It also directly implies he was tired out with the eventually he faced undead Zeus
Source rn otherwise you hate morock
Also, Peacekeeper beat Zeus and Durza at the same time, therefore. He should be above Zeus and since Prime Theos is stronger than Peacekeeper, he should also be above Zeus. But since Arthur can beat Prime Theos, then he should ALSO also be above Zeus.
Is there new lore I missed around him or smth he was fodder in AA