Are arcspheres drippy

Moonlight arcsphere pic from wiki

arcsphere with sorcerer hat is good at least, unsure about the rest of the fit tho

Arcspheres are overrated

Musketeer hats are where it’s at

You can actually combine 2 arcspheres and create a new color mesh with decent fades

That won’t work because you can’t equip two arcspheres at the same time.

If you have one equipped for stats and one on vanity it’s possible to combine them both

It’s a sphere you wear on your head like freaking Mysterio. I don’t think it’s drippy without the proper setup, and even then I’ve never seen anyone wear it.

Snow variation I fished up

I just remembered
so say you have an arcsphere in your build(perferably dark colored)… then you equip a flashy arcsphere in you vanity(that is not the same slot you eqipped the dark arcsphere), press the eye.
instant flashing beacon(may send pic if i remember and come back from school.

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yes, yes they are

No, no they aren’t

i think they are


this is so based

planning to get my 3 other files all outfitted too at some point with red, orange, and yellow

can you put googly eyes on them too

i can but i prefer the more mystic look

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keep yourself safe

thanks robby

Me and the boys would like to have a word.


GODAM that is complete FIRE