As a Response to the New Update

roblox has rollback APIs that automatically keep versions of your data for you - not sure why those aren’t being utilized

why did vetex make it 2 fights in the most cramped buggiest worst built island in the entire map?? like what???

I still haven’t found out how to enter the ship (I’m blind)

yeah, i couldnt even damage maria if i wasnt inside the hull of the ship

I don’t even know if they’re “capable” of utilizing them.

yeah i finished the story in like an hour (and i was stuck at the boss too). In that hour i also did 3 side quests, like most of the quests on sameria

you want me to tell you or do you wanna figure it out urself

Yeah go for it, I’m probably not gonna play until tomorrow so it dies down a little

if this is true then where tf is the rollback vetex.

if he has the possibility of rollback he absolutely should, or at the very least let us fucking vote…

Apparently there is no backup :man_shrugging:

economy is sentenced to 50% total loss in galleon value from loss of sunkens i guess

wdym by this? nothing else I can say or do in this scenario

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mb for the late response,its behind the ship

lol i tried going behind the ship but it instantly made me get caught by the pirates… no wonder i cant find it

then wtf is this

Can you explain more why weapon users have more mobility?

its on the side, theres a small hole it should be on the opposite side of the spawn

database != place version

well anyway, hope this is a lesson on why to always backup stuff lol