Asking Vetex to add a new gun day 1

add a cork gun just to mess with the person who made this topic

Day 5 of Asking Vetex to Add a New Gun

Can we get early semi automatic pistol like the FN1900 and Colt 1903?

I just want a rubber band gun
it causes your internet to stop working and rubber bands you all over the place

that already exists in AO, it’s called ash magic 20-beam

You do realize technology isn’t developed this far yet…

First you gotta ask for Oil magic

  • Dual Pistols were changed to multi pistols right when the boss drops were added for Chapter 6
  • Both “Plunderers” and “Thalassi” are plural

The change was probably made because we’re getting new gun and it’s 3 or more pistols

gun gun
it’s a gun that shoots a gun
technically a multi pistol, but not exactly a dual pistol

so it’s like crystalline from calamity?


Siege weapon: gun launcher

When they hit the ship they can land on the deck and shoot a random crew member