Average Tuesday in Reminders for AO

sand winnin :sunglasses:

for real

Can somebody grab me a melee

yo someone pass me a sledge pls

i got executioner sword if anyone needs it

I have this decimator bp but I’m am using executioners goggles can u make it :niceman:

I just woke up the fuck

god you missed so much shit

actually should we all play decaying winter together?

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It’s 8 PM for me :skull:

ok so I returned and OF COURSE SO DID HIM.
So I’m going to take one big guess of what happened here:
User4 came back, was being a dumbass, listened to nobody, died.

Quite accurate

really accurate summary

spot on

Shut the fuck up


damn, guess i was late, kinda wanted to be there to witness it happening


imagine wiping this kid… a fucking honor