BAD idea dump

I’m buying a rope if this gets added




You might want to be careful about who permanently dies

Vitality doesn’t give you spirit weapons. Instead, you can imbue your own spirit into your attacks, essentially granting yourself Hitbox Extenders. Sacrifice health to deal % damage.

Instantly obliterate anyone who isn’t running some sort of Vitality or Defense builds.

Flight lost spell added into the game

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Despite vetex not wanting flight because it invalidates ships, he added features that make ships important even if you can travel without them like transporting cargo and sealed chests, more rewards from ship farming, more effective damage against ships, transporting friends.
People would still use ships a lot, especially since you can’t manually despawn them, meaning that flight would only be used for travelling over land and short gaps where you need to get somewhere quickly.


omw to make the berserker and warrior have the worst fight in their lives (i will not touch the ground)

If it stays how it was intended in WoM it should be fine since you have around 5 seconds to interrupt it
Not to mention the higher you go the less energy you will have and the fewer attacks you can do before coming back down again

Add Einstein’s first law.

Fucking D E E P W O K E N

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NPC having aimbot just like in wom


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gliding spells. Imagine a parachute made from water ehee

And then an earth mage falls down like a rock and it becomes a fighting style crash attack

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Make pvp and pve rely much more on parrying and nerf dodge range

Raise npc level cap to 1000 (that moment when your rival becomes max level)

Bring back legendary charts from AA with AR’s chart mechanics

Make seas have realistic sizes and distances between islands

Copy and paste the bronze sea story for the nimbus sea and modify some parts

Increase movement attacks before landing cap to 5 (you better get your aiming skills up in pvp)

Put magic jump on the movement attack cap list and remove its individual cap of one spel

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The Freezing effect triggers slowness V

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every magic has realistic damage scaling

as a result:
Shadow and Light are now fighting for the position of least damage, both clocking in at basically zero.
Magma, molten rock now has more impact damage than Sand, powdered rock.
Explosion cannot sustain its form (that’s what an explosion fucking IS), meaning that it deals very high damage to the caster and anyone around them the INSTANT it’s cast.
Plasma is the strongest magic in the game. You are shooting motherfucking stars at people.

Or maybe Promethean Fire/Inferno is still the best, considering that it’s technically plasma as well, apparently, and those are white and blue, and that’s a LOT hotter than red and… purple.

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Morden sex route

re add sensing with inf range, basically ESP, to help pvp and rking

this is how it feels already lmao