BAD idea dump

That is not actually that bad, yeah it would make the lore stupidly more complicated than it alredy is but could be fun to see players that actually have curses and stuff

deadass exactly what i was thinking lol

And make the 2nd Awakening obtainment from the Dark sea where you have to fight Time-Skip Revon with 4th Magic, and fighting style with radius and impact and Death magic and a bunch of unobtainable legendary weapons that do 5000! DMG on hit with Pre-Nerf Pulsar! and Revon has 9000 hp and he gains 9000 for every player will make them grind hard!

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On his awakening phase he spams pre nerf pulsar ever second and they do 5000! Dmg per pulse

Ultimate arts should make you T jump and launch you in space which uses no air mobility

Remake weapons and fighting styles to be more like most fighting games, with an m1 combo that stuns you and abilities that you chain alongside the m1s. To go with this, don’t balance anything and make some weapons/styles have infinite combos. Every NPC should be hard-coded to land infinite combos and to stunlock you every time you fight them.
Optional idea: you can only use magic, and magic works the way it currently does, so every time you fight a fighting style NPC and they get too close, you’re unable to fight back.

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explain ur entire progression procedure pls

joke on you my knight file has axe as their main weapon

Permadeath for everyone, including NPCs. Bosses are guaranteed to drop one item from their set, but you cannot farm them.

And quartermasters can die forever too. :slight_smile:


single player mode

ruby after edward dies to a random ass ravenna caravel:

The consequences of your actions

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then make flight slower than ships :trollface:

all food now rots after 2-3 ingame days, and food drains faster to be more realistic.

At night, the player gets exhaustion and is 75% slower, their vision is very blurred, and they blink for 2 seconds every 5 seconds. Players eventually sleep at midnight. Players can also faint from blood loss (too much bleeding) or blunt objects/ magics / fighting styles for 1-5 minutes.

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imagine battling some pirates and it hits 12, all of a sudden it’s naptime


Actually, if we were being realistic, the food bar should drain slower, and the player should have a lot more time before starving to death. Seriously, it takes upwards of two weeks to actually starve to death. Sure, you’d be weakened, but it’d take ages to actually die from hunger.

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Even two ingame weeks is over 4 hours

The player is constantly physically exerting themselves though, ethers that be through intense exercise (dashing, swimming, climbing) or getting beat up by pirates and bosses

Fair enough, but the hunger bar currently drains at a consistent rate. No matter what you do, without food you will starve in 44 minutes.