Balancing in AO, AR, and AA


I made a post about how vetex probably shouldn’t make bosses like AR, and that people should avoid bosses like that, but it didnt age well
it was an unwanted suggestion

It was unwanted and unnecessary for that matter cause vetex already knew not to do that

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Angel fight works a lot differently now from before from what I’ve seen

Ahhh so that’s why they make my blood boil!

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the fuck you on about no he wasnt
he was easier than marua

bro??? all of theos’s moves are countered by magic bow except one that is easy af to dodge

a f t e r verdies firstly

secondly, you do fucking realize your example IS IN FACT CHEESE?

even if you dont cheese theos his attacks take one dash to dodge

ar bosses didn’t get shitty until the third sea
and now that angel is effortless, rupin is optional and prometheus got nerfed to Australia there isnt really anything to complain about in the boss difficulty department

just shoot him and jump in the water to get rid of the burn if you get hit and hes easy, he hasnt changed much since the revamp

yeah that fight was annoying, i just used my explosion every time he went near or above me

tutenrah is easy and gets easier in his second phrase, prom is total bullshit though and feels like hes balanced around people twice the level cap but i havent fought him since pre revamp

it’s almost like.

I was talking about.

pre revamp bosses.

the only 2 bosses after verdies that were worth complaining about were sage and prometheus
unless your fps was bad then you can complain about rupin too

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(luckily now she cant hit you)

angel gives no fucks about walls when reviving her father.

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