also bro @archrono fix your ping holy
unless it’s mine (it probably is)
wait bro wtf my blast does ~300 damage I just realised
I thought it did like 240-250
also bro @archrono fix your ping holy
unless it’s mine (it probably is)
wait bro wtf my blast does ~300 damage I just realised
I thought it did like 240-250
So when I use Spiraling Fury, I’m only getting hits at the end of the attack.
When this guy uses Spiraling Fury, he has the range of Melee Marth’s grab.
Just don’t use spiralling fury then, it’s mediocre imo
Dagger q is hard to land and the damage is underwhelming for me, especially on my savants
Dagger e is a great movement tool but I actually have 122 weapons max on any of my files (besides a warrior which does use scald dagger) so I only get old dagger e, which has NO aoe or speed.
Here’s the build I’m using btw
120s/102m/50w with cherry wood, pink crystal, boxing, ardent old dual swords, ardent wooden staff, tempered old musket
you can’t “fix” your ping bro
btw speed affinities are broken right now so ardent is doing nothing for you
rlly? I’ve used an ardent wooden staff and a tempered wooden staff on my fire conj and the ardent felt MUCH faster to cast.
Then I think fix your fps at least, you’re low fps even with low graphics
how do you fix that?
graphics card computer specs bs idk
1500 dollars
Okay, but how do you land the dagger throw? I have ptd in my build and I’m struggling. (I’m bad as well so that’s not helping matters)
It’s crazy because my brand new gaming laptop runs the game at 75 fps at best but on the title screen or any other game its whatever I cap it at
dagger throw is better off as a close range tool I’m gonna be honest
endlag punish like you have a specific hatred towards people standing still anywhere
I suck I can’t switch to dagger and throw it in the 1-2 seconds in which they are standing still
1500?? I spent 3000 and still often have 40 fps in this game
What’s your gpu
least buggy game
kinda like how my dark sea run just got ruined by the game quite literally just deleting my ship from existance
didnt even sink it it was just erased entirely
honestly I think your fps or ping affects the equip speed of weapons so it might just be that