Best clan hall!

This just made the first post exponentially sadder imma be real

bros shitting on the work of an AO contributor :fearful:

what the hell is that ugly being on the right side of the image

that would be me :tired_face: :tired_face:

you’re ugly asf

I’ve looked at a side by side and the drawing is like 30% whiter skin than this man and the rest doesn’t even match

NickyZ1… :rage:

please take your complaints elsewhere, i didnt make either

uhh, wasnt the post deleted? completely hidden??

its Sir Golden God Emperor Star Dragon Lord of Darkness NickyZ1 for you, mongrel


tanning system jumpscare

a link to the deleted post on discord still has the image

i blame it on vetex :sob:

tanning is extremely difficult when your goal is to get a reverse tan (lighter skin somehow)

Bro saying you’re a contributor is like saying you handle transactions of a multi billion dollar firm when you’re a mcdonalds cashier :skull:

im not a contributor, this isnt my work

sure sure

fr bro saved it