Best sets to get most of a single stat | need help

help me with all the idks

highest set for defense:

  • hard sunken set + hard iron amulet + hard tricorn/pirate hat
    stats: (idk)

highest set for power:

  • powerful wizard set + powerful power amulet + (idk)
    stats: (idk)

highest set for knockback:

  • forceful exiled + forceful knockback amulet + (idk)
    stats: (idk)

highest set for magic size:

  • bursting sunken set + bursting magic size amulet + (idk)
    stats: (idk)

highest set for casting speed:

  • (idk)

highest set for magic speed:

  • (idk)

highest set for strength:

  • strong mino set + strong strength amulet + strong sailor headband
    stats: (idk)

highest set for agility:

  • (idk)

i especially wanted to know for agility and magic size.

also if someone already made an up to date thing of this, just link that


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Defense: 691 Defense(1325 HP), 53 Magic Size
(Pirate Captain’s Hat gives the same defense as Tricorn)
(All Hard) = Sunken Iron Armor + Defense Amulet: Dull + Sunken Iron Boots + Sunken Iron Helmet + Tricorn

Power: 110 Power
(All Powerful) = Power Amulet: Dull + Wizard Robes + Wizard Hat + Wizard Pants + Cultural Power Item(Alalean Necklace/Castlian Chain Coif/Vistarian Bracelet)

Knockback: 140 Knockback, 233 Defense(867 HP)
(All Forceful) = Knockback Amulet: Dull + Blindfold + Exiled Armor + Exiled Helmet + Exiled Leggings

Magic Size: 149 Magic Size, 249 Defense(883 HP)
(Warrior set has the same magic size as Sunken)
(All Bursting) = Magic Size Amulet: Dull + Sunken Iron Armor + Valkyrie Helm + Sunken Iron Boots + Sunken Iron Helmet

Casting Speed: 82 Casting Speed, ???
(All Keen) = Casting Speed Amulet: Dull + Canvas Hat + Level 90 Keen Equips

Magic speed: 118 Magic Speed, ???
(Fur hood has the same magic size as Crow Wings/Dual Armbands)
(All Swift) = Magic Speed Amulet: Dull + Crow Wings + Dual Armbands + Level 90 Swift Equips

Strength: 115 Strength, 57 Agility
(Sailor’s Headband and The Maid Skirt give the same strength as Dual Bracelets/Bands)
(All Strong) = Strength Amulet: Dull + Minotaur’s Armor + Minotaur’s Helmet + Dual Bracelets + Minotaur’s Boots

Agility: 161 Agility, 33 Strength
(Hood gives the same agility as Cape/Gilded Wings)
(All Nimble) = Agility Amulet: Dull + Minotaur’s Armor + Cape + Gilded Wings + Minotaur’s Boots



wait u can equip 2 helms now?

tbh I didn’t know you couldn’t, changing it

oh mk

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