BiologLOL's graveyard: those who were murdered by some salty guys (or me) not only at RFAO

RFAO got some strict rules, uhh, not quite recently, so those who write something not related to game updates are going to be executed. I honourably took a mission to properly bury all the victims of the RFAO and some other topics. And to not make mess in side topics, Ima be creating this one.

WarmWater. Got murdered for existing in reminders. Rest In Peace.

B_WDaredevil. Got cruely killed for replying to a reply in reminders. Rest In Peace.

ImaLettuce. Was fed to White Eyes for writing an useless reply in reminders. Rest In Peace.

I didn’t even reply to a reply I had a very mildly informative comment

Fartman1314. Hoped to escape the punishment but got crushed beneath a blue whale for having their own opinion at reminders. Rest In Peace.


i live… AGAIN!

Since this is my graveyard, spirit energy can rise again all buried here. After all, even I have risen from dead before. Though this won’t guarantee you won’t return to this place someday



Something ain’t right? Im not creating any mess in existing topics rn, and this one is marked with all the tags needed to indicate its uselessness

This time not from RFAO, this is personal.
DubiousLittleTyp0. Dared to say bad things about the Vitality and by so was crushed by me personally. Won’t be Resting In Peace.

You do realize I’m like one of the biggest advocates for vitality on the forum right :scream:

also, I just genuinely don’t want more dumb vitality suggestions cuz they make us vitalibros look bad, if we’re not even supposed to be making them then don’t make them until we get more info and leaks.

Dead Don’t Talk

well clearly I’m not dead


Green blob vs the essence of a million magic

Who wins

tteokbokki wins (I’m hungry)

Maple’s reply above won’t be here.
LichdaDerp. Was left without any oxygen at secret storage room at Whispering Caverns for posting a meme in reminders (Im sure salty ass guys hate memes). Rest In Peace.

Some random ass anime catgirl topic. Was derailed by me and some of my fellow assistants. Won’t be Existing In Peace ever again