BiologLOL's graveyard: those who were murdered by some salty guys (or me) not only at RFAO

biologlol. Although it was mostly self inflicted death, he was ultimately finished off by DubiousLittleTyp0.
Quite ironic, that the graveyard for his enemies also became his own.
May he rest in peace arguing in the great vitality topic in the sky.

One deleted message isn’t enough to bring me down, this can be simply named “got returned back to the homeland for a bit of rest”. Don’t overestimate that guy just because he is longer on these forums than me

Also this part.

"Kill"stealing from stronger ones?

I casted the spell soooo :person_shrugging:

if you summon a zombie you get the kill and not the zombie who’s been alive for like 8 seconds

Walter was never seen again. Perhaps he successfully fled the scene, horrified by the horde of Atlanteans and decided to live the rest of his life in his safe haven among those he cherished. Perhaps he and his comrade were ambushed along the way, died fighting to their last breath. One thing is for sure, the legacy of The Evil Vitality lives on, forever and ever true. Those who seek the path of Vitality will know his name, for where there is The Vitality, there is him.

his lowness of tiers has finally caught up to him
i thought i was the most immature person here (besides maybe optical) but i guess i was wrong
bye bye biologlol

show some respect for the passed man :pensive:
for as outrageous as he was, the guy always held firm to his beliefs
well ig you are now the most immature person here, congrats

I thought that was edited lmao

Idk what caused this I always thought Biolog was completely fine

If he got suspended for being immature then what is optical still doing here

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biolog’s mistake was being stupidly aggressive
optical is just being aggressively stupid

It’s so strange this is the 3rd time I’ve had my daily optical bashing and I’m not even actively looking for it

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Ah, farewell my evil twin :frowning:
I’ll always remember you

/e cheer

gg ez



is this how different countries have different phonetic interpretations of dog barks :fr:
the first one sounded more like conniiiiiiieee

I worded it badly. He spam derailed topics, threatened to break rules, tried to self-insert himself into everything, and got suspended several times and never changed. He 100% deserved the ban and idc what anyone says. Literally a nuisance and nothing else

Also I haven’t seen optical’s recent comments so idk what to do about them

opticals fine he’s just a lil clueless

kinda reminds me of when I first joined the forums

Yeah idk what the deal is about optical to be honest they’re just like mildly immature and kind of a troll but nothing that I would really see anyone getting mad over