BNT's Hell Thread ft. doodles, shenanigans, and terrible posts

i huumbly request Averill for all of these

absolutely no obligation to do it tho

why do you stan averill
why dont you stan earth crazy wizard smh just have one look at them
earth crazy wizard is so hot
like bro, just look at them
they are more fit then i like to think i am (which is very fit unlike how fit i probably am)

The real question is, why don’t you?

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because im not gay

Exiled 2c

we all know you’re a very straight dude (pretty sure the earth one kinda looks female)

what if kraken 1d ae



also an ave


at this point i can tell if they have a gender
it doesnt matter though since i am the couch in my pfp


he looks angry

Alright, I might be in the mood to design some drips for characters this week

the drips will be mostly inspired by my bias towards magical girl drips and pretty dresses, so expect frills and fancy stuff
(also dw about making the outfit look too childish, I think I know what I’m doing)

pick a trio/duo to get their drips designed!

Pick a trio/pair to get the drips
  • The WoM NPCs - KDS, Mino, Exiled
  • Stoplight Captains - Trigno, Averill, Sage
  • First Bosses - Marua, Ramses II, Verdies
  • Edgy Shadow Users - Kraken, Harrison (cerulean guy), Marua
  • Magic Council Founders - Trigno, Averill, Arsen
  • Fighting Style mfs - Vasco, Freedrock, Cortes
  • Old Looking mfs - Theos, Randal, Cursebeard
  • Theos and The Boys - Theos, Randal, Holden
  • Cheetos Flamin’ Hot - Trigno, Rupin, Morock
  • Alalean Guard Captains - Drake, Reginald, Jace
  • Father and Son - Kraken and Silas
  • The Archenemy - Theos and Durza
  • The Nemesis - Trigno and Rupin
  • The Colleagues - Trigno and Averill
  • Rumbling Caldera - Trigno and Romulus
  • Webcomic’s Leads! - Juniper and Angel
  • ‘wait fuck they aren’t mother and daughter’ - Sage and Valencia
  • Shining Rulers - Averill and Sage
  • idk I want to add this duo - Valencia and Freedrock
  • Storyline Bosses - Minotaur and Exiled

0 voters

note: I’ll only draw 1 option that won, but im giving yall options to either choose trio or duo

wait hol up who tf is Silas ???
Kraken have a son ???

Yeah, Admiral Silas from the AG. If Shrek’s webcomic was accurate at this part, he would have helped you take down the Kraken once and for all had AA made it that far.

oh fck-
i need to reread that part

ight so tonight my brain fixates on one specific setting I’ve been working as a side hobby run by my personal passion

so it started from me making a design for god of creation
(I have their rough anatomy guide in my head too but like ehhh)


this one’s pretty basic, just basic stuff and get to know some characters

there are some events I planned to write about later like ‘black faith’ era, some god’s backstories when they were mortals

but hey we ain’t jumping that deep into the rabbit hole yet

also I got an idea for another character

the two remaining survivors of the ‘first generation of mortals’ (I made it so creation god creates mortals and plop em on the earth, unlike the actual creation of earth and evolution stuff)

they have dream luck and willpower, so did the mortals they’ve been traveling with who died on the way

they’ve been hopping between pantheon realm and mortal earth without dying, and now they’ve been running away from god of destruction for thousands of years (destruction god been less active with hunting them down lately so dw)



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elephant fren

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frendo elephantis

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