Boobs in AO

Vetex did say if he was vetex, he would add em. I think this signifies that Vetex has found himself and achieved enlightenment, to add boobs.

Eclipse are you /j or /srs

can confirm

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Finally we will have other female accessories other than that Fighter Jacket thingy that looks lewd on characters with female hair


please zip up your clothes

no no no, she started unzipping them and I want her to take them off entirely babe

I am so /srs john

If there was a time to be religious it’d be now.
Y’all need Jesus

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they sure do

jarvis i just got here what the fuck are these people talking about

Here you go, gives you the gist


I saw them
they unnerve me

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I’m broke wish I could see the new outfits.



Dark Sea sirens leak:

wtf is that

Vetex finally remembered how to make good games

Vetex added boobs forgeting that his fanbase is full of horny teenagers

bikini calvus drip :eyes: