Boss Opinion Poll

I already did read that and i support it

Already read. Npc blocking is something Vet seems disinterested in spending time changing at this moment. (I said seems do not flame vetex, ive never personally seen him speak on the matter)

Calvus is the games best boss, Captain Maria is the games worst boss

Lord Elius and King Calvus are both very difficult compared to any other boss

I think Calvus is mostly fine though but some of his attacks (specifically in phase 2) feel way too big. ex. The attack that gets smaller as he charges it should be made smaller

Elius is really fast and i think a little too difficult to react to at that stage of the game. He’s also doable but i think he should be less demanding

General argos is really fun and I think Calvus is as well. Captain Maria is the least fun bossfight in the entire game though she needs to be remade :broken_heart:

Carina is the actually the one that made me feel the need to be overlevelled the first time i think because her regen feels impossible to deal with until you figure out how to start doing damage regularly. I dont think healing/regen should be the defining factor of a bossfight in terms of difficulty at all, it just feels annoying :sob:

King Calvus and Elius can both be annoying to hit (especially if you have slow attacks or use fighting styles) but i think theyre both the best designed bosses all around

we need to remove some of the maria iframes bro

like half of any reasonable atttack window is i-frames :sob:

she also does ridiculous damage and the arena is way too small to fully dodge around without worrying about flying off (bad especially because she uses guns)

the water tentacle attack is neat but the fact you can just dodge it by standing on either end of the ship + the fact it still happens in phase 2 where youre supposed to be inside the ship (therefore making the attack unable to be seen unless youre camping above deck which you SHOULDNT HAVE TO DO!!) makes it worse

the only way i ever fight maria is on the top deck bro :sob:

i got absolutely melted by her tentacle attack and then i decided never again

frrrr bro it’s like “oh hey she’s charging up an attack this is probably a risk vs reward sort of thing right” and then when you go to attack she takes no damage and you get absolutely murdered (not to mention the severe framerate drops ive gotten from some of her attacks like 60 fps to 2 bro im not even exaggerating)

fps drops could just be considered a game mechanic atp and it wouldnt be entirely wrong

im blessed with a strong enough pc to get 60 fps even at max graphics but i still get down to like 20-30 average for seemingly no reason sometimes

maria has like 2 attacks where if it hits a part of the ship it makes so many debris particles that i can A. not see anything and B. feel my computer struggle to stay alive. like my computer handles great most of the time but holy shit

trying to fight the boss vs the 900 particles from the attack they just did bringing your fps down to 3 for a second

Maria being invulnerable half the fight is horrible game design