Bountyhunters problem

the game should add PVE-only servers or an option to disable pvp bc i got fucking killed as a lvl 60 by a lvl 125, or disable pvp with a certain level gap
(edit: for leaderboard player camping in PVE servers, the game should lower thier renown like 200 per hour in PVE server so that they go to PVP server)

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its a thing

people are assholes sometimes :person_shrugging:

Sadly pvp switch is confirmed to not be added, but I do agree pvp level should be increased, especially with the new level cap we’ll have when nimbus sea drops


Im killing low levels now

this is not a good idea for several reasons
i do agree that players under the level cap should have protection from players on the level cap tho

I had an idea similar to Elysium except it’s a safe zone server (you can still kill people here but there will be consequences, the killer would get little to no rewards/can’t bounty hunt)

It’ll only be open every random day or so, sort of a safe bazaar place for hanging out and trading, though it’ll only stay up for a short amount of time before kicking you out (for safety measures you cannot combat log here)

If you’ve already entered once you cannot enter again, but I don’t think it’s applicable since I don’t remember any Greek related stuff that’s similar to what I had in mind lol.

maybe the fields of Asphodel? would fit for just sort of neutral zone that doesnt really favor good or bad people and it would make sense if a killer got no reward / punished since the dead probably wouldnt take too kindly to some alive person murdering other people.

just make it a figment of ur imagination fr
u just go to sleep somewhere and dream it up and boom the item from ur dream is real life

If it makes someone feel better, killing a lower level player as a villain gives like 3 star notoriety or sometimes more

Not helpful since it’ll cost like 200 galleons to remove it but if he forgets he’ll meet the wrath of major Hopkins

honestly a button that turns off pvp for the player if they want would be good. I know some other games have this system.

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in all seriousness. its never happening. I get it sucks that you got jumped by someone twice your level but there are problems with adding a disable pvp. but the game was made in mind that players would both engage in pve and pvp, they’re closely very tied together and more so when nimbus sea drops which gives clans ability to capture islands and build shit for resources.

i sound like a yapper rn, but its a small part of stuff like this that vetex would have to change if he were to add a server that seperates pve and pvp.

honestly i feel like a lot of pvp problems would go away if the level requirement for pvp wasn’t so low

welcome to the club

PvP disabling is confirmed to not be getting added.

If you want to disable pvp so badly, just make like 50 billion love potions

pve servers/pvp toggle is still the nuclear solution for this problem. Would be better to try out diff ideas first such as increased punishments for rking

people just like to do this, its not about the bounty hunting its just about killing low levels idk what goes on in these weirdos heads

this game doesnt really train you for fighting real players, npcs are really bad at playing the game in a normal way and have to actively cheat in order to make up for their fodder aiming and dodging skills