Bountyhunters problem


nah thatā€™s not what I meant. they both feed into each other because off the rewards you receive in pvp/pve. The gear you get in pve can be used to help the player perform better in pvp and stuff attained via pvp can also be used to improve the players pve. Right now i think fame is pretty useless besides leaderboard flexing. but if it were to have more uses, then theres extra incentive to pvp. Same stuff with nimbus sea island capturing and building farms. Youā€™d oppress an opposing clan to capture islands and get resources that can be used to help in pve. Then there is the underrated act of sinking player ships to steal cargo and sealed chests and claiming it for yourself.

what did bro say :sob: i havent seen a flagged post in forever

the black dude with lightnings had made a great point

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Bro said something so despicable that the website wonā€™t even let me show the hidden message

maybe another thing for that problem is like a pvp level gap, lets say ur lvl 80 then u can change in settings (10 minimun) for a 20 lvl pvp gap so u can pvp player lvl 60-100

I think just raising it would be better, or just setting a set range of pvp.

So either pvp level becomes like 100, or range becomes 25 levels so level 50s can pvp up until 75, 51 to 76, etc to keep pvp at least a little more fair.

Right now Gnavy and AS are weakest forces in the whole world (NPCs). They apparently should be buffed, so people donā€™t ignore them and think twice before making an action.

And im talking about new mechanics which will be triggered by exact crime or deed that player has done. So stealing some private storages will trigger one mechanic, while rking will trigger other one (and for positive renown too).

Maybe that will slightly establish situation (by creating more hardness for pure rkers) and create unique gameplay for each player depending on what they do.

how are they weak? they are the most annoying players, attacking everyone because they have low iq. we actually need to bully gnavy and assassins more so people stop joining them

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I am talking about npcs. The only annoyance that currently exist is notoriety cuz with it Gnavy ships interrupt Munera fights.

But everyone just reset it for a fee.

PVEā€™ers would rather nuke the game than just get good.

add anti teaming features Iā€™m begging, iā€™m a solo lb player and just got ganked by a group of SIX FUCKING PEOPLE

Insanity 5 Gel


have you tried winning

i was on my wood conjurerā€¦

you didnā€™t answer the question

Ig itā€™s just a skill issue on my side ā€¦

One simple feature that would solve so many issues:
ā€œYou can now only attack players at most 10 levels below or above youā€