Box is banned

I feel like the others played some role in it

also maybe they had previous mod history that led up to this

i can tell a whole duck ton of people are going to be happy about this

bro ikr

(I hope I don’t get banned for being happy)

moral of the story kids? dont talk on the forums/discord/in-game and you’ll be A-OKAY

how about

“don’t be an asshole online for no reason”

im still pissed at then beginning of the clans update for just showing up out of nowhere and killing me 24/7

you know that nobody is actually gonna follow that advise
everyone is gonna be an asshole online atleast one time

Yeah, that’s me. I’m surprised I didn’t notice you were on the forums earlier.

thats because i dont use the same name that I do on roblox

“its a fighting game”
-suncry member murdering a level 45

you’d be surprised but I was a bit of a shithead a while back

you wouldn’t believe how awful I was :skull:

but I got better

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yep thats pretty much how it happened

suncry members coping that it’s a fighting game as they beat up people who literally just hit the pvp cap oblivious to the fact the same thing caused rogue lineage to fall:

I used to gank people all the time too, but I didn’t attack anyone under 90

i have to admit its kind of annoying whenever ppl kill you for no reason whenever you cant fight back

i tried playing a game called project jojo
asked for an arrow to some random gang member
and he used this broken one shot TS combo on me

then, i asked someone else
I asked: “why”
and he said
“fighting game”

its okay to RK
just dont attack anyone below level 80, because normally people at level 80 or below dont actually have decent gear

oh i haven’t heard of that game in years and dear god i hated it the most mid jojo game of jojo games

I also attack low levels who spawnkill other low levels

that game could have been so good
i wish before MLG left the project he would have ATLEAST made the combat not so crazy
you shouldnt be able to 2 shot people ;-;

for me, I take enjoyment in watching 2 low levels murdering each other
its actually a good pass time