Brief opinion on PVP toggle

I agree. PVP should be removed as it only causes toxicity. I believe it should be fully removed since violence is never the answer. PVP players just make the community more toxic and ruthless.


noble redemption arc

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youā€™re the last person who i thought would say this

another person who doesnā€™t understand how the PVP toggle works- the toggle is less of a toggle and more of a grouping system. PVP players are put in servers with other PVP players, PVE players are put in servers with other PVE players. So, if anything, clan building and grinding has more of a purpose now than it did before.

Do you have any evidence for this claim?

I do, give me a second

If youā€™re referring to paragraph 2 in the original announcement where vetex says:
ā€œThis means that the PvP toggle would basically not affect players who prefer open world PvP, since they would still be put in servers full of other players who have PvP ON.ā€
(I hate not being able to use images)

Then this is in reference to the clan server system, and heā€™s explaining how this will change literally nothing for clan servers.

Was literally just about to quote this, looks like I misunderstood, mb. Though I think itā€™s still fair to point out that this DOES still result in a ā€œPVP/PVE worldā€, since clan servers will have the PVP toggle on at all times. I am wrong when I say that clan-less high renowns with 300k+ fame/bounty will be put into PVP servers (Since PVP servers donā€™t exist, technically).

I guess I had the wrong idea this entire time, but I wasnā€™t totally off the mark.

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It happens.

How the mighty have fallen. I shall usurp you as Ganker Supreme

sorry to say, but you probably wonā€™t get that chance since noble gained a bad reputation before the PVP toggle was confirmed to be added :person_shrugging:

Iā€™m gonna stop the pvp toggle from being added and then Iā€™m gonna steal dark sea chests to celebrate

good luck with that

I appreciate your blessing. Iā€™ll remember it once I succeed.

when are you gonna post your fridgeuchiha length essay to vetex

no no I completely understand the premise. Iā€™m just wondering what pve players specifically find fun about clans in general. It never really made sense to me, (seems like grinding pointlessly) but Iā€™m open for opinions on why it is appealing.

wait when the hell did we get skull reactions, is this something of misinputs doing??


People like building, they also want to get otherwise completely unsustainable reagents in usable quantities.

if Iā€™m being perfectly realistic, without clan building, healing potions pretty much donā€™t exist.

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wth did I just witness
