Build Viability

ah. then do a file type you don’t already got. And then Warlock

I think I’ll main a warlock with fire/explosion and iron leg/cannon fist/thermo fist

I can’t make a final decision but these are some of my ideas

but its not about the file type, i dont want to run wind twice
its about yeeting with sword or yeeting further but not as cool

Do I just make a poll about this? The original idea was explosion-thermo for funny petrifying punches but specter gave me the idea of iron leg-fire for a “my feet are on fire” gag.

Yeet with what makes you happiest

You think I picked conjurer to metamance?

is archie that warlock guy?
this guy :point_down:

Berserker ftw



Nope, that’s Vega and he’s going to be my warlock

This is Archie

(complete sentence).

I will be the nerd one
but more options is usually better since action economy thing

so go 5050 builds : D

idk what build are the “best” but i am going for sand mage maybe we even get 1 lost magic on release

we won’t, the planned estimate rn for them is around 300 magic level


You mean normal level 300, it’s actually 600 magic level

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o yea, looks like the card got updated

Which is level 150, but in all honesty I could’ve sworn that was level 300 and not 300 magic level.
I just read what was just said.

yea, i misremembered

Yeah 300 magic points for lost magics would mean the earliest you could get lost magics is 150, which is 25 above the level cap

You should not be getting lost magics at second sea level