Buying oathkeeper (Any level) for max crowns

As I said, I took a break from the game. Are crowns valueless like lamina was in arcane adventures, or do they have value? Thanks for the response.

You can creat an alt acount and get 2.6k crowns using codes. It takes you 5 mins. so they are worthless

nah it takes a minute. Probably would take an hour to get 100k crowns or so

tbh I just don’t need oath. so for me crowns worth more

do you have an oath for trade then?

I already said no

so you think crowns are worth more then an oathkeeper?

Depends on how many oathkeepers

you do know one oath is worth much more then 5k crowns right?

To me it’s not

Oath by it’s self is worthless

thats not how that works. Crowns just aren’t worth as much. Since you can just code abuse.

ok there is no way you’re not trolling

Ye but it’s not about the straight up value. It’s about personal value and such. I don’t want to code farm and oathkeeper is butt

It’s not about personal value at ALL. Crowns are worth literal dog shit.

alr I just asked aabraham about you, you are trolling me boi if you don’t

stop talking about crowns its an oathkeeper not crown

When you’re trading seasonals and sunkens, then the actual value counts. But when you’re trading mere boss drops then personal value is what matters. and oath is bad. and this got off topic. I’m right you’re wrong I live in denial checkmate ez.

yea I knew you were trolling lol.

I’m not trolling! Actually tbh I just use oath to trade amulets and stuff.