CACV-59 Shipwreck

“Well, we intend to.”

“But first we need to prepare, no?”

comes back “what are you guys trying to do? Can I help?”

“I’m trying to make a forge…”

“A forge? For what?”

“What do you think a forge does?”

@discobot roll 5d50

:game_die: 32, 24, 32, 46, 21

@discobot roll 1d250

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 81

you regained 0.5% sanity.

“We got arcanium. We can forge things with it. We just need a forge.”

“Sure hope we’ve got someone whose able to make a mold here.”

“…forge things? repair equipment? upgrade equipment?”


“is there anything preventing you from making a forge?”

“Probably the lack of a good fire.”

“Fire. For a forge.”

opens palm, summoning an acid magic hologram “sorry, i only have acid magic” closes palm

(I open my hand to summon a Fire Magic circle, then create the fire for the forge.)

@discobot roll 5d50