Can I abuse regular category changing powers?

FUCK :angry:

Bad regular, please don’t change topics for no reason.
got your regular removed, you have problems using regular.

que sera i guess, hopefully I don’t get suspended
in the name of Vetex, the mods, and the leaders I pray, amen.

they went in for the kill :pray: (dont worry about the full suspension thing it’ll probably be changed to temp)

F (3 characters)

They’ve been executed by hammer

As Meta once said: “we dont”

Can confirm, most of us barely sleep.

Well this was entertaining to say the least

Blink twice if Vetex is holding you guys agaisnt your will and make you work for him without paying

We work for meta hehe.

Give everyone leader ez

Enjoy the consequences of your actions. What you did is against the rules, and posting this then doing it is stupid. Even my post was affected and someone had to be bothered to change the category back to what it used to be. Fuck you, and I hope I never see you again here. Sincerely, LD (SmokyScarlet).

Get bonked

@liu @Meta Please close this post. Obvious reason why. Someone said they would abuse powers, got punished, and so and so on… shouldn’t remain active imo. I might be wrong, if you don’t want to take action, don’t do it then.

it’ll die naturally

I think they’ve been unbanned, they’re back from the dead!

damn, lucky them lmao

Also, was this a genuine change or just inspect?

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i’m just so sick and tired