Can I have the suggestions role now?

what’s going on

…people review suggester applications? (The 1 person doing it won’t see this)

to be fair, atleast 90% of regulars have u muted so u dont flood their inbox with reactions, so hyper does have a point

im muting him too good call

“this loyal gang of friends” :sob:

I want you for C.B. SCT

hop OFF my goat deron :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

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After the heat death of the universe

if deronchepem has 1 million fans i’m one of them :triumph:
if deronchepem has 100k fans i’m one of them :flushed:
if deronchepem has 100 fans i’m one of them :relieved:
if deronchepem has 10 fans i’m one of them :thinking:
if deronchepem has 1 fan that’s me :wave:
if deronchepem has no fans i’m dead :pensive:

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you’re dead in that scenario

you don’t deserve that golden star fartman1314

i gave mr vetex 5 bucks of course i do

yeah but you smell bad almost like farts

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