Can monstrous and mutated Atlanteans drop their heads/faces

I was just wondering if Monstrous or Mutated Atlanteans are able to drop stuff like their face. You got their leggings, accessories and chestpieces. But I have never heard whether you can get their faces or not.

you mean like these or

Closest I’ve gotten to an Atlantean face mutation drop would be their heads or their ear.

I’ve been rocking the mutated clam drip since the update dropped. Can confirm that they do drop some of their faces and heads.

Close, but I am talking stuff like the blobfish head, geoduck head, squid head, shark head, viperfish head.

Which head just wondering?

Trophy collection of Atlantean heads would be kinda cool, ngl

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Indeed it is hehe, although I want to wear them.

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That would be so hardcore, I love it

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Indeed it is. I just want my character to look like a sea monster now honestly.

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That would have some mildly fucked up implications. Not denying it’s cool but still.

What SomewhatUnnamed posted. Got both of them.

MC drags poor crew into hell on earth multiple times, they weren’t sane to begin with

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Ah alright, I see.

Got to catalogue some of the monstrous appearances, seems like you can’t get their heads right now, but hopefully you can in the future.


Gill Man/Black Lagoon Creature

Thats a Moray, (a moray)

Squid block parry dodge…

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i forgot they have random size

I see lights, I go to lights

bro is a deer

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