Can somebody explain to me why Ezia was banned

Also are you talking federally or just rule illegal

Im not sure if i can say it on here

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posted some (REDACTED) in I think cryonical’s discord, that resulted in his termination on the forums.


and istg he is 99% making an alt as we speak

I am not at all surprised.

he posted ash ketchum with jesse and james


did not need details.

There’s an acronym in the red text that explains it for all of you wondering

it’s true, it happened after he got contained to his own discord channel for being too obsessed with iris

A Roblox character, that’s mad weird, I thought it was a joke

ya’ll should have NOT let him cook :sob:

nope, he posted her too, even had the art on his desktop too

I hope that was sfw on his computer

despair then

Man bro was really downbad for a lego woman

This has to be a joke right
Everything is gonna go back to normal when we wake up right
What if he was like hacked?

posted cp


no he posted cp

He wasn’t, he was legit but he isn’t a pedo
Though you can say its more so the video that AwesomeOS

More so for the laughs :nerd: