Can somebody explain to me why Ezia was banned

…wait there’s multiple?

Oh yeah
He’s fucked

He gonna have to say goodbye to this community if they banish him to the limbo :skull:

really just cryo’s and vetex’s

No wait i think he muted in vet cord



and misty
and they were getting r***ed
very big nono

…did you see the image when it was posted :eye:

he fucking spammed it in general of course i saw it

oh :skull:
isnt there a like cooldown for spam on discord

you can still post like 8 times before that but yeah

Should I be grateful I’m not in vetcord for this kind of buffoonery

damn, didn’t even know about that one, in general too no less, bro was asking for death :skull:

wasnt vetcord, it was in odyssey feed

wait there’s an odyssey feed server? can i join :point_right: :point_left:

There’s an AO forums discord server?
Or something like that?


The reason I stay out of vetcord is because I’m paranoid I’ll accidentally dm a dev or something and be punished

lmao he send ash sus stuff das crazy

there’s only one dev