Can we get much higher? (So high)

what a great discussion about the trailer for hit roblox experience arcane odyssey

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what is even happening

ong frfr this is 100% about the trailer

can we get much higher?

He is the true winner, he quit the forums and touched grass

Ight I’m here

let’s collapse a universe


“you are a furry, shut up sandal”

is this fr equinox or is it shadow clashing with light since there’s some mf on the right with a yellow aura

shadow vs light, the result is called an equinox explosion

no im not

did you forget to take you schizophrenia pills again?

Who are you talking to? You replied to nobody

fish did you forget your glasses

Ah, you’re right, I forgot to get a glass of water.

Much better. Hmm…
Nope, still seems like you’re talking to nothing.

oh I’m sorry I ate your eyes thats why you can’t see

You love light magic its in your odyssey feed name


ezia likes light magic?? no way :open_mouth:

explains a lot actually

Not lying, it happened 2 days ago :nod:

It’s not because I make your nickname “Derp is gay” that you are gay dumbass

EZIA HOMOPHOBE ALERT :scream: :scream: :scream: CANCELED!!! EXPOSED!!!

You are derp so you like men!!!