Categorizing and speculation for the dragon skeletons/fossils found ingame


Size - Drakos Arch skeleton is probably one of the “gigantic” dragons mentioned

In terms of what happened to it, it almost looks as if an Earth mage skewered it through the head and body

OR, going with the evidence from the shipwreck on the island as well, perhaps a super strong wind mage/curse user caused a hurricane that knocked the ship out of the water, and the dragon out of the sky and caused them both to crash

Thrylos Crossing Dragon

Size - Much smaller than the Drakos Arch dragon, but still easily around the size of a Caravel, possible medium size?

Cause of death - Super sigma poison conjurer while trapped within a cave, potentially a nest

Blackreach Island Dragon

(Skeleton found at chest #3)

Size - Smallest of known dragon specimens, barely larger than a sailboat

Cause of death - Probably breathed on by anyone over lvl 20

(remind me to take an ingame screenshot of it)

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aaaaa a dark sea dragon!!!

there are multiple sets of three chests, be more precise

ooor maybe it was just killed long ago and got buried, but then when Theos and Durza McCopyrightInfringement had their little squabble that destroyed the old world all that earth and stone pile-up fell off and the skeleton was revealed

It would have to be an earth curse user for the rock to be permanent

srry i uploaded at like 2am :sob:

The fossil structure

Might be a sea monster, but dragon is still a possibility.
And also this big fella is here.

Think those are just sharks/whales

There isn’t a single sea creature of that size, I wouldn’t even say Giant White Eyes is that big.

Theres always a bigger fish

Well, Kanahuwa is smaller than a Giant White Eyes, and neither of them are in the game yet.
Dragons themselves are also not in the game.

Has bro not seen an alpha white eyes from AA?

This shit was the size of alalea

Damn, certainly didn’t say as much in the trello.

I will KILL all the dragons…