Changing your Character's Attire to Fit AO

probably gonna completely change my look, rn i dont think my character looks that good but i like the teal, just gonna tone it down a bit

I’m just going to go for a hunter looking guy, he uses everything he’s got to fight and all, and I also wanna the wolf bandit vanity (i think that’s what it’s called). Right now my WoM character kinda just looks plain and simple.

I’m going for a blindfold (Like Lee sin) pirate.

i would probobly get a beige cloak and then be set for my maid (full maid stuff, small, flowers, cloak, hood, thats bout it, also small warlord with strength weapons)


almost all of my chars will have a pirate theme but it rlly depends on what customization options there are so might change some of them up

Someone cultured. Finally.

Ill probs go with a pirate captainy look if thats possible, otherwise just something that matches well

probably this but better

the navy uniform with a knight helmet

i think it will look really cool

Well I’m not far in the game yet, but a lot of you guys are, so where is the progress on the attire changes?



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Hell yeah!

I’ve current got a really good overcoat and some mercenary pants, as well as a pirate’s hat from WoM I still have.


(still workin on the drip)

Levi Ackerman??!?!?!?

this was the best hair combo for wom tbh

@LichdaDerp I have the same from WoM

its almost finished

I made my old fart wear a hawaii shirt lmao

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